The Adventure Reignition Podcast

The Lessons That Running Marathons Taught me about life

Blaise Depallens Episode 62

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Unleash Your Inner Adventurer: Lessons from Marathon Training and Life Challenges.

Join your host Blaise Depallens as he reflects on his recent marathon race and uncovers the valuable lessons that endurance training and marathon running have taught him about life. From the importance of showing up, even when you don't feel like it, to the power of pacing yourself and embracing slow progress, this episode will inspire you to challenge yourself, push your limits, and discover the hidden benefits of going after your dreams. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-exploration and personal growth as Blaise shares his insights and experiences from the world of marathon running. 

Tune in now and say yes to your life's next adventure! ​

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00:00:00:00 - 00:00:03:06
The second one is the importance of showing up,

00:00:03:06 - 00:00:05:12
even if you don't feel like it.

00:00:05:12 - 00:00:09:04
Sir. Up. Just put your shoes. Just do that.

00:00:09:04 - 00:00:14:07
Two lines of running for that podcast episode. That post on social media. That

00:00:14:07 - 00:00:25:05
song you're writing. Just just start. Even if it's not the way you want it to, just start. Just do it. Just show up.

00:00:33:13 - 00:00:41:24
Hey, everybody! Welcome to the Adventure Ignition podcast. My name is Daisy Palance. I am the host of the show

00:00:41:24 - 00:00:52:07
Thanks for listening. I am grateful and honored to have you here on the show with me. Fasten your seat belts and say yes to your life's next adventure.

00:00:58:01 - 00:01:34:21
Welcome back to the Adventure Reunion podcast. Today's episode is going to be a solo round about my marathon race I've done three weeks ago. Beginning of May 2024, the Geneva marathon. And we're going to uncover and I will reflect and uncover some lessons that endurance training and marathon running taught me about life. So even if you're not a runner yourself, stay with us here because you might be interested about the lessons that you can also apply in your day to day life.

00:01:34:23 - 00:02:03:21
So to give you a little bit of context, I sign up for this marathon I think at the end of 2023, and for me, the goal was quite clear straight from the bat. It was to run and not even walk during the race. The reason why is that this marathon is my second one, and the first one was quite probably the hardest physical thing I've ever done so far.

00:02:03:23 - 00:02:43:10
And it was hard because I totally underestimated the amount of training, the amount of preparation needed for such a race. So to give you a little bit of context, I always been quite good in endurance running, throughout my childhood. always been probably around the best, on endurance. And I've been playing football or soccer for more than 20 years, so I always had a very good base of endurance to to play on.

00:02:43:12 - 00:03:20:03
And I did a couple of, different races throughout my, teenage years. And then after, in my early 20s, I did, ten K in Lausanne. I also done 20 K and a half marathon, and that was pretty, pretty hard, to be honest. But I felt pretty comfortable about those distances. And when I ran my first marathon in Lausanne, I thought I could get away with this for preparing the same way that I do a half marathon.

00:03:20:05 - 00:03:48:10
And long story short, it didn't go as planned. So I train for two months only, and after five weeks of training, two weeks before the, the first marathon race in Lausanne, I just enjoyed myself. And that's one of the biggest mistakes I've done, is that I had no idea how to train properly for a marathon. So I injured and I decided to still do the marathon.

00:03:48:12 - 00:04:28:02
And honestly, even during the race, I completely underestimated the second half of the race. I thought, you know, you need to do the the half marathon twice, which is absolutely not the case. So I run into the half marathon in Lausanne, the other half marathon distance, and then after that everything started to fall apart. I was feeling good at this point and then just my buddy told me to stop and I couldn't and I almost walked for 14km.

00:04:28:04 - 00:05:01:23
It was like walking one kilometers, running one, but it was really terrible and I ended up this race being really proud just to finish around five hours. So for the second attempt of doing a marathon, I wanted to apply what I learned in the first one so that I can run the second one properly under four hours. So that was the goal for this Geneva marathon.

00:05:01:23 - 00:05:38:13
And this time, instead of training for only two months, I decided to train for a run six months. And as I started to uncover the differences in running and really study the craft, I started to understand that I've done a lot of things wrong. And the first thing that marathon running taught me was, that is definitely something that will humble you.

00:05:38:15 - 00:06:15:03
And even if we have big goals, big dreams in front of them, and especially during the process and at the end, it will always humble you because and I apply that a lot because I, I consider myself as a visionary and I love to vision things. Having dreams and things, seeing things and dream big. But usually the bigger your dream or the bigger the challenge, the bigger the work is required.

00:06:15:05 - 00:06:46:24
And even during the training and during the race, as we really need to cover in the next couple of minutes, it just humbles you because you see what is needed to accomplish such a hard thing. And that's the same for your dream. So that's the first thing that endurance training and marathon training taught me about life and myself.

00:06:47:05 - 00:07:19:10
And it's always good to kind of deflate the ego times at times. And that's why I love so much challenges in my life, because that's where you meet the substance of who you are, where you discover yourself. And that's exactly what happened. in my first marathon in Lausanne and in the second one, also here in Geneva. So let me just check out some of the notes, just to be sure.

00:07:19:12 - 00:08:00:24
and covering everything I wanted to tell you. So I started my training around. Six months in advance. So around November. And previously, I always had this idea that to run, you always have to run at full speed. Otherwise, it's not a good training. And I also had the same approach in life. When I do something, I tend to do something at full speed.

00:08:01:01 - 00:08:32:19
But I noticed something either in life or for training for a marathon. And that's what happened to me in my first marathon, is that if you go too fast all the time, then you will enjoy yourself. And in life it's the same as called burnout or just not being able to to do the things you wanted to do because you went too fast.

00:08:32:21 - 00:08:43:16
And that's definitely something that endurance training and marathon running has taught me along.

00:08:43:18 - 00:08:50:17
Along life, because.

00:08:50:19 - 00:08:55:08
I could vividly.

00:08:55:10 - 00:09:02:12
Remember thinking, okay, you need to push yourself every time.

00:09:02:14 - 00:09:36:21
Either in life or running. And that's how I inevitably injure myself. And that's the lesson to pace yourself. And that's been a huge one. Being used to through football, soccer to go at full speed all the time, I thought for running would be the same, and I got away pretty well for a ten year race or a half marathon.

00:09:36:23 - 00:10:15:02
But once you want to do something for a longer period of time, then you need to pace yourself, listen to your body, and try to avoid the red flags or injuries. And the buttons can be quite hard to find, to be honest. And that's why I've been trying to test during this marathon training is the balance between listening to yourself about identifying the red flags that could lead you to an injury, and challenging this voice in your head that tells you to stop.

00:10:15:04 - 00:11:02:13
So it's kind of like a difficult balance to find. But I as I knew my body pretty well, I would say over the years doing a lot of sports, adventures, movements, activities, that was easier for me to identify. And that's what happened in January for a month before the race, I started to feel a little pain in my calf, and as my calf was the object of my injury a year and a half ago, when I trained for my first marathon, I knew I needed to be very careful, and that was the first big setback that I had in my preparation.

00:11:02:15 - 00:11:36:18
I was slowly taking off and getting into the the really more intense part of my training, and that's exactly when I felt this pain in my cap. So I decided to take a step back, rest for a week, and then go back to training. But after a week of break, you definitely feel that you kind of lost a bit of momentum.

00:11:36:20 - 00:12:26:05
But my thinking here was it's more important for me to not get injured, but keep being able to train and run the marathon, then pushing now and then injure myself too badly that I cannot train as I wanted and ultimately not run the race and for life. That's exactly the same. If you are in a period of your life where you feel like you're going through speed, but you are in a surviving mode kind of state, maybe it's the time for you to take a week off, because if you want to do what you are doing now, maybe not for the rest of your life, but at least for the next couple of years.

00:12:26:07 - 00:13:01:12
If you want to succeed, you need to pace yourself, and maybe you need to break so that you can come back with a refreshed mind. And that is very important to pace ourself. And that was the first lesson, one of the first lesson I got from marathon running for the first time. And I apply this lesson in this training and I was able to overcome that setback, focus on getting back at my training and move on.

00:13:01:14 - 00:13:36:06
And because I identified that red flag, I was able to overcome these moments and just keep going. And when you do something for a long time, like endurance races, you want to train yourself to be performance over a long period of time. So if you just one tiny hole in your training or break in your business, maybe that's what will help you be there in three years from now.

00:13:36:08 - 00:14:01:09
And that's why it is important. Because if you burn yourself out now, maybe in six months you're out because you just you just burn out. And that's not the goal. When you're doing something you enjoy, you love. And that's the same spirit I want to apply here is to have fun during the process, because the journey is the goal.

00:14:01:11 - 00:14:44:04
So definitely learning to slow down and pace myself was the second lesson that marathon training taught me. Then I kept, training after this little setback, in January and I started to. To have another challenge around March. April. Like, six weeks before the race, I started to really feel tired about increasing the kilometers per week. Increasing the amount of run and long distance run.

00:14:44:06 - 00:15:30:08
And I was feeling more and more tired. and it was challenging because I wasn't sure I was progressing. I was doubting. My training. I was doubting if I was actually growing as a runner. And that was the time when I wanted to quit. And that's the third big lesson here is those self doubts moment. There will inevitably come in your project, going after your dreams, in your training for a marathon or something else.

00:15:30:10 - 00:15:47:10
And that's when it's the most important time to show up to be here, even if you're not at 100%.

00:15:47:12 - 00:16:15:23
And sometimes my only goal for the session, even if I was supposed to do a long run or a fast paced run, there are some days where my only goal was to put my shoes on and just go out for a run, whatever length of the run, even even if it was ten 15 minutes. My goal for this day was to just show up.

00:16:16:01 - 00:16:44:14
Even if it wasn't exactly the same training I wanted to do. And the sun. The fun fact about that is usually when you just challenge yourself to put your shoes on and get outside and run. Once you're in the mood of doing the thing, you just do more than when you expected. But for that, you need to show up.

00:16:44:16 - 00:17:25:17
And that's the same thing for your dreams. You're going after your projects, your adventures every day. You need to show up the words keep moving forward. And it happened twice in my life very vividly. I can remember the first one was when I lost my dad in those tragic circumstances. Where is the end? It is on life. I felt the word was crumbling around me, but the word was still running and keep going forward.

00:17:25:17 - 00:18:03:00
And that's why you need to show up, to keep believing, to keep moving forward. And the second time was when I did my adventure, my biking adventure on Switzerland last year for three weeks. Even the days I didn't feel like it, I had to pack my stuff and go on my bike to ride my bike for as long as I could, I couldn't stop, I needed to keep moving forward.

00:18:03:00 - 00:18:36:12
I wasn't motivated some day to go on my bike and keep going, but I had to because I have a very limited time frame to make it happen. And that's the same for my marathon training and that same for life. So in these periods, couple of weeks before the marathon, a lot of self-doubt and a lot of and motivation, but that's when you need to push forward.

00:18:36:14 - 00:18:54:18
That's when you actually need not to listen too much of yourself, because it's not about being injured, it's about just doubting yourself. And that's a different thing.

00:18:54:20 - 00:19:32:13
Probably something we touched on a little bit already is the focus and the slow progress needed to such a thing. And that's the fourth lesson that endurance and marathon running taught me is. To have your focus on what you need to do in front of you for the next kilometer, the next training session, and focus to do a little bit better than last time.

00:19:32:15 - 00:20:08:04
So for running, it depends because you have different training sessions you can have. And here I just want to give a disclaimer. I'm not a professional runner. I've been studying a bit the craft, and I know there are so many different ways to to practice, and I will probably get into that a bit later on, but I just like to do things the way I want to do, so it's definitely not a recommendation on how you should, do your training.

00:20:08:06 - 00:20:43:21
But I love to focus on enjoyment and slow progress. And that's why, for me, it's been a big lesson here to really take one session after the other and during the race, one kilometer after the other. And just like progress over time. And other moments in my content creation, project and business, that's exactly how I want to apply it.

00:20:43:23 - 00:21:21:06
I want to show up. Lesson number three, but focus on slow progress. I don't need to to to do every video perfectly. Every photo is perfectly. But as long as I show up and I try to make it the intention to progress every time, then ultimately it can compound over time. And two years from now, I'm going to watch my videos and look at how I did a lot of, my journey was a long journey to get to be very at ease in front of camera, but at least I showed up.

00:21:21:11 - 00:21:42:19
I focus on a little progress and now it's getting better. So the lesson number four, running, was definitely to focus on one session after the other and trying to just progress a little bit.

00:21:42:21 - 00:21:49:06
Time for little, tea.

00:21:50:02 - 00:22:06:17
And the lesson number five, that marathon running taught me is something that we little bit touched on with the humility parts.

00:22:06:19 - 00:22:37:07
But usually when you start to dream or you start to practice for something and you are new into the activity, you know nothing you might have assumption of how you should do it, but as you're nothing expert yet, you don't know. But your ego and my ego in this case was make me think that I knew how to run.

00:22:37:09 - 00:23:04:16
You just run right? And that's where the humility part is. Also here. And you have to let go of the ego. And that's why it was more than a lesson. It was a reminder to be the beginner again, to be the learner, the student again. And because I've been running a lot in throughout my life, I thought I knew it.

00:23:04:18 - 00:23:37:11
I was wrong because running a half marathon or running a marathon is not the same sport. And that's what the first marathon Lausanne taught me very brutally. So I started to study more about training for marathon and running in general, and it's been quite interesting to see that there are a lot of different things to do. First, it's not about running fast every time.

00:23:37:11 - 00:23:41:03
Like I just said.

00:23:41:05 - 00:24:05:09
There are different types of training. So there's like long distance training where you just like focus on the length of the of the race. Long run. That is. Maybe the more the, the more fast paced run where you, for example, run fast for one kilometer, then you rest, then you do that ten times and is also like middle.

00:24:05:11 - 00:24:40:12
And you know, there's also like easy, very easy rea run where you just like. You almost feel like you don't run, you're not running. And there's one more was like more like in the middle kind of run. And I'm still, I didn't do a lot of those run. But the point here is, by being a student of the whole thing, I learned that there was like, different type of way of running the.

00:24:40:14 - 00:25:17:00
Fitting yourself is a very, very huge part of long endurance races, which I totally ignored in my last marathon in in every race is in the past. And it was actually a very big part because physiological, physiological like your body is not made to be running that long. So if you don't bring it to necessary food to keep going, then your brain will tell your body to shut off and stop running.

00:25:17:00 - 00:25:55:16
That's exactly what happened to me a year and a half ago. But becoming the students, The craft of running taught me so many things. And I still have so much to learn, to perfect, to improve. And that's the mindset that I want to remind myself. It could be for photography, videography, content creation is that I'm still learning.

00:25:55:18 - 00:26:29:18
I'm still learning how to express myself better, to create better content for you, to create better photos. And that's the message I want to give you here is like, keep that learner mindset for whatever you are doing. When you are going after your dreams, your goals, the craft you are doing. Just keep that learning and learner mindset.

00:26:29:18 - 00:27:14:20
so that was lesson number five. Let's go to lesson number six. it's definitely the, obvious benefit of training for a marathon. So lesson number six is the benefits of running and practicing for a marathon. It might seem obvious, but as I was running between 40 to 60 70km per week, I really increased my physical fitness level.

00:27:14:22 - 00:27:48:01
Yes, it's obvious. I mean, the more you support, the fitter you will be. But the fact that I had. In my mind, idea to run the marathon, a couple of weeks and months in front of me forced me to train more intensively. That I would do if I didn't have a race in front of me. And I could vividly feel the benefits of being quite fit.

00:27:48:03 - 00:28:18:00
So yes, I just said before that at some some point I was really tired of running a lot, but most of the time I was feeling really fit. Whether it's in the stairs or when I was playing another sport with friends. I went to play badminton a lot with friends and I felt like I was flying, to be honest, and that was because of the training and the fact that I wanted to do that.

00:28:18:00 - 00:28:45:13
A race that in other areas of my life, I was also benefiting from that challenge. And I think that's the same in life. For example, something that I did a lot in the past and has to do regularly, especially now that I. But a nice path is I.

00:28:45:15 - 00:29:14:16
To challenge myself again and again over time. To do that, I could feel the benefits of feeling in better health condition and feeling better overall also in my mind, and being more resilient because I was able to do that for a long period of time, to put myself in discomfort and in the cold. And I've been doing as bad things since 2008.

00:29:14:20 - 00:29:54:03
Now and still today. It's hard to do it when I have to do it, but I can see the benefits in my mind, in my body. I feel so much better after each time I do that. And if you're going after your dreams or a career or content creation or whatever you are going after, even if you don't see them straight away, you will benefit somehow from.

00:29:54:05 - 00:30:37:12
The thing you are doing now, it could be in skills. So for example, if you are starting to learn about videography and photography, even if after a year of trying to learn the thing you decided it's not for you, you still got the knowledge and the skills and you practice of trying to do that. So maybe you will get back to it in ten years from now, and you will have the knowledge and the skills that you developed a photograph in videography that you can apply in a different context because you did it.

00:30:37:14 - 00:31:11:02
And that's a hidden benefit. And you can see that. In everything we do, everything we do. Especially when it's positive and going after a goal or a dream or something that inspires us. There are always benefits and things to learn, even if our path or life path brings us further away from what we initially thought. But those are skills.

00:31:11:04 - 00:31:46:24
Those are benefits that it can help us later on. And that's what practicing especially during the whole training phase of the marathon, I felt, damn, I'm flying, I'm flying. And it was because I challenged myself to do that. And it would I wouldn't feel as fit as I didn't have that challenge. So it's very interesting to observe the hidden benefits of this.

00:31:47:01 - 00:32:19:12
So that was the lesson number six. The hidden benefits of training for something that is important for us, whether it's a marathon, a dream, a new career path, whatever it is, there's going to be benefits. And the last one, the obvious one, I would say. But that's the thing that draws me in my life for most of the thing I do is to challenge myself.

00:32:19:14 - 00:33:04:09
And that's the main reason why I do this. Running a marathon. And I had I had conversation with friends that just look at me and what I was doing, like, why are you doing that? Why are you inflicting yourself so much pain just to run? And that's the whole thing is for the challenge. I, I'm quite driven by challenges in general, especially when inspires my curiosity or especially when it's in the realm of adventure sports movements, physical endurance.

00:33:04:11 - 00:33:39:19
Because I've been doing that all my life running, moving. But the challenging part of any challenges is to grow. And for me, there is a very big desire in myself, especially since I lost my dad to keep growing, keep challenging myself to understand and go into the depths of who I am. So it's yes, it's a challenge from the outside, especially for a marathon.

00:33:39:19 - 00:34:21:17
Like a physical challenge. But it's also, a way of self-exploration to discover who I am, to push my limits, to see and observe how I react in front of difficulties. And that's a very important point for me. How do I react in front of difficulties? How can I train that muscle of facing adversity? Because losing my dad in just tragic circumstances taught me that life is not always easy.

00:34:21:19 - 00:35:07:04
Life is made up of ups and downs, and it's inevitable. If you have not experienced, in your opinion, any hardship, it will come. And it's also true for the opposite. If you feel like you are in the darkness, keep moving forward. There is the light at the end of the tunnel and for me, challenges. Whether it's a marathon race, whether it's ice barfing, whether it's adventuring, whether it's being in nature, it's to train that muscle of, okay, when the hard time comes.

00:35:07:06 - 00:35:41:01
I'm not sure I will be ready, but at least I would have practiced that muscle. And in the same time I will discover more of myself. I will get more in line of who I am, and I will keep growing as a person. And those are the reason why I challenge myself to run that marathon this way. And this is just the beginning.

00:35:41:03 - 00:36:06:22
I don't know what's going to be my next challenge. At the moment. I'm thinking about running a half marathon in less than one hour and 36 minutes to beat my personal record in that distance, and kind of like to reverse time to see I can even if I'm getting older now, I can still beat myself. the 26, 27 year old blaze.

00:36:06:24 - 00:36:36:15
But it's not always about running. In my case, I will be crossing Switzerland with my bike very soon as well. Once again. But I will still have the spirit of challenges. And for now, for me, one big goal, one big challenges I'm having is to create the business out of this content creation thing. And you see, it's exciting because I love doing this and it's challenging because I never done it.

00:36:36:17 - 00:37:09:12
And I love to explore and explore myself and follow my curiosity. And that's why I have challenges along the way. And that's why at this moment, I had these challenges, this challenge to run my second marathon without working and under four hours, even if I thought I would do better at the beginning, I was really proud of the end to finish in less than four hours.

00:37:09:14 - 00:37:42:01
And this probably going to be a new marathon in 2025 would see. That's something that I'm not ready to announce, but there's a good chance that I'm going to be running, a third marathon to make it under three hours and 30 minutes, probably. But anyway, here the lesson. The last lesson number seven is just to challenge yourself, get out of your comfort zone and learn about yourself and push your limits.

00:37:42:03 - 00:38:21:13
And that's why I do that. So to summarize the seven lessons that endurance training taught me, the first one is that it's normal to be ambitious when you are envisioning your dreams or your goals, but ultimately the journey is what humbles you. And that's what exactly happened with the two marathon race. I don't. The second one is the importance of showing up.

00:38:21:15 - 00:38:52:00
Even if you don't feel like it. So show up. Just put your shoes, just do that. Two lines of running for that podcast episode, that post on social media, that song you're running. Just just start. Even if it's not the way you wanted to just start. Just do it. Just show up. Lesson number two. Lesson number three is to learn to slow down, pace yourself.

00:38:52:02 - 00:39:30:24
If you are on the path to make something doing for a long time. For example, a career path, big projects, big dream, big adventure. You have just space to self learn to slow down, learn to identify when you need to rest so that you can perform over a longer period of time. Lesson number four is to really focus on each session, each kilometer, each task.

00:39:31:01 - 00:40:03:17
And focus on slow progress. So you have this task. You have this run. You have this challenge. Focus on that and try to make it a bit better than last time. And that's that's been my mindset from my first marathon to my second. Martin in Geneva. And probably my goal is going to be to improve for the next marathon.

00:40:03:17 - 00:40:07:15
I might be running.

00:40:07:17 - 00:40:43:24
Lesson number five is to become a student again, a beginner mindset again, and leave your assumption about how you think it should be done and try to learn from the actual experts or maybe not the expert, but somebody who's been doing it, already. That may be just in front of you in terms of learning curve, that they can teach you a little bit about how you can improve.

00:40:44:01 - 00:41:16:16
Lesson number six. It's the hidden benefits of going after something important for you, even if you're never going to do that for a longer period of time after what you are doing. You will benefit from those time where you put the work and you focused on on getting better at the thing that maybe later on you will be able to use that skill.

00:41:16:18 - 00:41:48:05
Feel better. At the moment, if it's a physical challenge. And you feel like you can fly. That's been my feeling. When I was training for the marathon and the seven won and the last one is just to challenge yourself. That's how we grow, that's how we become better. That's how we get to know ourself deeper in those moments of very and shape.

00:41:48:07 - 00:42:31:17
So challenge yourself. And that's what I happen for me. And I'm going to end this podcast episode on. The moment it was the hardest doing the race. I knew the hardship would come around kilometer 30 as it's quite common in the marathon training space. To have this number into mind. I started to suffer at kilometer 34. And the thing is that in that race, you you kind of like just pass in front of the finish line around kilometer 35, but you still have seven kilometers to do so.

00:42:31:17 - 00:43:02:23
You see the finish line, but you still have to go around the city to go to the finish line. And at this moment was partly particularly hard because I wanted to give up, because I wanted to walk, but I still had seven kilometers to go. And then at kilometer 40, that's when I was like, I'm done, I should do the, a real video about that where I'm filming myself.

00:43:02:23 - 00:43:35:08
I'm just saying to the camera, I'm done. And I'm really in this mindset to one foot after the other. And I finally reached the finish line. Feeling pretty good. Exhausted. The only thing I wanted to do was to work and just like to make it stop. But there was really proud because I finished in three hours and 50 minutes and I was under the four hour mark.

00:43:35:10 - 00:44:19:17
So it's been challenging. It's been quite a hell of an adventure, and I've been resting a little bit now, and I'm focusing a bit more on my first love, I would say, which is at the moment, biking, cycling and I cannot wait to go on more adventures. And to give you a bit of a hint of what's coming, I will be hiking one week with my girlfriend in the mountains in Switzerland, and I will challenge myself again to cross Switzerland in to do a diagonal crossing of Switzerland for one week by myself.

00:44:19:19 - 00:44:52:22
So yeah, life is made up of challenges, ups and downs and. Doing a marathon is definitely a hell of a challenge. So if you want to push yourself, this is a good training. All right. Thank you so much for being here. the end of this podcast episode. Please share it with me. Any of the lessons I share with you, if there's one that resonate with you, just shoot me a message on Instagram or LinkedIn.

00:44:52:22 - 00:45:21:04
I'll be pleased to start a conversation with you too, just to get to know you and to know, how you felt about this challenge. And don't forget to subscribe on Spotify, iTunes, or anywhere you are in. It does help lots. And if you are on YouTube, please subscribe. we'll try to publish more and more of the podcast on video formatting.

00:45:21:06 - 00:45:32:00
And yeah, change yourself. Enjoy the process because the journey is the goal. All right. That's it for me today. Thank you. So much. Bye.

00:45:32:00 - 00:45:49:23
That's it for today's episode. I really hope you had a great time on the show today. If you enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe to the Adventure Ignition Podcast and leave a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify because it helps a lot.

00:45:50:00 - 00:46:19:22
Get this message of Adventure out. If you have any question, any suggestions, or you just want to contact me, please do it on social media. I blaze the stones over LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook. I would be pleased to start a conversation with you and answer your questions before to leave you. I really want to take a moment to acknowledge you for still being here on this episode.

00:46:19:22 - 00:46:48:24
And thank you so much for your support and being part of my journey on the Adventure Recognition Podcast. And as usual, I'm going to end this episode with a famous quote from Allen Keller that I love so much. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. Thank you so much for your support. Don't forget to say yes to adventure, surf the vibe and spread the love.

00:46:49:01 - 00:46:50:13
Peace out.